VHP Health Initiative invites you to the Trinity Art Sale!
written by Michael XieThis year, Michelle Duong and I (Michael Xie) co-chair the Health Initiative of the Vassar Haiti Project. While almost everyone in United States these days is debating over the trillion dollar bill on health care, do you know that per capita, Haiti spends about $83 annually on health care (in U.S., the number is around $4,631)? In terms of health care spending, Haiti ranks last in the western hemisphere. There are 25 physicians and 11 nurses per 100,000 population. Only one-fourth of births are attended by a skilled health professional. Most rural areas have no access to health care, making residents susceptible to otherwise treatable diseases. Haiti has the highest incidence of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/ AIDS) outside of Africa... and I have a handful of other staggering statistics reports with me.My mother chose her career as a cardiologist mostly because her father (my grandpa, who passed away in 2001 due to a heart attack) had heart issues. Growing up in a family with my mother a cardiologist and my grandmother a nurse, I never need to wait for a doctor's appointment, and I always get the best health care when I am sick. However, I never forget that there are many people in the world who do not have such a privilege, and it is our responsibility to do our best to help those people to gain aces to basic health care.I'd be very honored to to invite you to our first big fundraising event for the Health Initiative: The Haitian Art & Handcraft Sale at Trinity Episcopal Church. Trinity Church in Fishkill is partnering with the Vassar Haiti Project in this event, which will bring medical care to the children and adults in the remote village of Chermaitre, Haiti. For many of these villagers, this will be the first medical care that they have ever received! And you will be pleasantly surprised by the energy, the optimism and the beauty that exude from the paintings.Nov 13, Friday 12pm—8pmNov 14, Saturday 9am—4pmNov 15, Sunday 12pm—3pm