The Haiti Project

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Art Sale: March 7, NYC

We are pleased to announce that the Vassar Haiti Project will partner with Macaulay Honors College in New York City to host an art sale on Sunday, March 7, 2010 from 2 PM to 5 PM. This event will feature original Haitian paintings, and handicrafts, and will benefit victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti. One hundred percent of the proceeds will fund relief efforts. Students from both colleges will comprise the staff at the sale. This is the first all-student rule arts sale and we hope to get your support. So, if you live in NYC or happen to be there for Spring Break, please stop by! We hope to see you there!
About the Macaulay Honors College:Founded in 2001, the William E. Macaulay Honors College (MHC) is the City University of New York's landmark program for students of exceptional ability. CUNY's seven participating campuses admit incoming freshman to the Macaulay Honors College. These students, called University Scholars, are granted scholarships covering their full tuition in the fall and spring semesters for four years, given laptop computers, and awarded access to funds for study abroad programs and internships."