The Haiti Project

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Bonjou from Port au Prince!

The last day of our trip is alive with roosters crowing and a blue blue sky.  Emily, Lanbo and I look back at the week and feel as though we've been here for a month.  Haiti is the perfect place to learn about surrendering to the universe, which seems to laugh at us every time we make plans.  Ironically, most of what we planned to do has been accomplished but never in the direct way that our minds set forth.  I think that you will be happy to know that we've already written up our report from the Chermaitre part of the trip.....and as soon as we can edit it, we'll send it onto VHP leadership.  You will be happy to see our progress  and all the work we have cut out for us!

We learn so much about life here.  Haiti is the perfect place to see how little we actually have control of yet, despite this, we are powerful to create profound changes in the universe. Not sure if this is clear in my writing but it is very clear in my head! Our work will unfold well with the vision of Pere Jonas and we have a great new partner who can share our journey.

We have been so fortunate in working with the galleries this time.  We met two of my favorite artists, Pierre Maxo and Georges Desarmes.  For those of you who have a twinge of jealousy about this, don't worry, we have anpil (lots) of video footage.

Oh...i forgot to mention the art.  We are a formidable team and we come home with the most beautiful pieces you can imagine....So many to stretch.....:) Go Merch Committee!!!!

Leaving today, with one quick trip to the street market and a new handcraft vendor.

with love, n'a we pita!
Lila, Emily and Lanbo