The Haiti Project

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Emily Strasser '10 in Haiti

Hello everyone! Bonjour from Port au Prince. We arrived last night after a series of (mis)adventures. I can't believe we've only been here since Saturday. It feels like weeks. We have so much to share with you all when we get back, but for now I'll share the highlights. We saw the clinic--it's beautiful, almost finished! Pere Jonas has been a joy to work with. He is energetic and passionate and just gets it. With his help, we're going to be able to start sending kids from Chermaitre to secondary school in Gros Morne for just 250 a year! We had long meetings with the village leaders, teachers, and school director, discussing all of our initiatives and hearing about their desires and concerns.

Of course the best part was playing with the children, so full of life and love and so eager to learn! Many of them remembered the names of students who'd been on past trips and asked "Kote Andre? Kote Fiona? Claire? Kote Cindy?" They even remembered how to count to ten in Swahili as Francis taught them. Peter , the medical student who some of you have met, came with us, and has been amazing translating everything.  He sends his love to all. Everyone has been working very hard, but Lanbo especially has been a trooper. I'll let him tell you why when we get back. For now, we're running off to the galleries and art market. Sending so much love...

Emily, Lanbo, and Lila