The Haiti Project

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Why Rebuilding the Kindergarten is More Crucial Than Ever

By Samantha Basch '16:Last week, I wrote a blog post about the joys of working on VHP’s StartSomeGood campaign. This week, some shocking news reminded me of why I have put so much effort into the project. My work has not been for the sole purpose of self-gratification; I work to ensure that VHP’s smallest partners, the kindergarteners of Chermaitre, have access to high-quality education.Recently, these kindergarteners’ right to be educated in a safe, sheltered classroom has been taken from them. Last Monday, strong winds completely demolished their already fragile classroom.This structure, which will cost between $20,000 and $25,000 to rebuild, is the center of the Chermaitre community. Now more than ever, we need your support. Please go to this link to help us rebuild this important educational space: Tipa, little by little, we can rebuild this special community structure. But we cannot do it without you!