The Haiti Project

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Three days later... Onward to Chermaitre!

Hello from Gros Morne! We woke up before the sun to a glorious orchestra of rooster crows, cat meows, dogs barking and goats bleating this morning, and have just fueled up on breakfast at our dear partner Pere Jonas' home. We are extremely excited to go to the Chermaitre-Fiervil clinic, then make the hike to the village of Chermaitre, after all these months of planning and hoping! Wish us luck for the trip! We hope to have plenty to share when we're back from Chermaitre.Love, (in order of sleepiness)Annie, Carrie, Manny, Lila, Sida, Robyn, Andrew, Priscilla, Ning, Peter, Tamsin, Lorraine, and Mai