The Haiti Project

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Water Initiative Update

James Landreth generously updates us on the activities of the Water Initiative, of which he is the director. "This year, the Water Initiative has been excited to move forward on two major projects. Our committee has four awesome, dedicated members this year--Simeon Busano, Teddy Stanescu, Zheng Bian, and myself. In addition to our own work we are hoping to work more closely with Grants this year to look for alternative sources of funding.jamesJames at Haiti Cherie, 10.4.13.This Fall we’ve sent down the materials for round one of our Pilot Project which includes testing a new set of portable filters. We’re currently in contact with Chermaitre to monitor whether or not these filters work well and to see if we should make them a part of our future plans there. In addition to this project, we’ve been working with several local Rotary groups to try and raise funding for an expansion of our cistern as well as for a permanent filtration system. In between presentations and dialogues with these Rotary groups, who will be helping us to raise funds, the Water Committee has been researching the pros and cons of different filtration systems that have been used under similar conditions in the past. We hope to establish a solid groundwork for our plans before semester’s end, and look forward to starting the next phase of our work when we return after break. We’re lucky to have had such an awesome year thus far :-)"