The Haiti Project

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First Blog Post From Haiti!

March 13, 2016. 9:31 am.
Reflections From the Plane
We have now boarded the plane and are eagerly (and sleepily) awaiting take off! The 5 other trippers next to me are all asleep, heads nodding and mouths wide open. We loaded the vans and left Chez Meade around 4:15am this morning, managed to wrestle 26 bags through the airport to be checked (not including our carry-ons) and now have approximately 3.5 hours before we touch down in Port-Au-Prince.
plane view
We are all filled with a swirl of emotions to varying degrees, I would guess predominately mixtures of excitement and apprehension. Whatever we are individually picturing about Haiti, we know that we can count on encountering moments that are unexpected.
Selfie on the plane!  
Along with the new language, different landscape, unfamiliar smells and hotter temperatures we know that we will have to adjust to a differently structured schedule and concept of time, particularly coming from a very rigorous and regimented week of midterms. We will try to practice just being and living in the moment.
We also know that we can count on this being an unforgettable trip that will tie us all together for years and years to come. This is evidenced by the wonderful messages that have filled our inboxes both yesterday and today from past trippers (students who have already been to Haiti with VHP). We've received e-mails from Nairobi, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam and other places around the globe.
It was exciting to hear other travelers engaging in conversations in Kreyol, we pointed these out to each other and tried to pick up some words that we learned in our lessons. One we definitely recognized was "Ki kote..." which means "where".
Pack day yesterday was very successful, much less stressful and chaotic than I imagined it would be. We split up into 3 different teams: cooking, packing, and logistics. Even though there were a few hiccups and moments of distress we worked like a well-oiled machine; I was astounded by the attention to detail, intricate inventory sheets and elaborate tape system used to label our luggage. There were moments when people stepped up as leaders and also stepped back, listened to others and played a more supportive role. We felt like we bonded more, struggling together in those hours than we did in the previous months combined.
Our quote book has already been filled with numerous entries and we are looking forward to many more to laugh and bond over. A favorite so far includes:
Andrew: We've done this trip so many times now... It's like when you go on a roller coaster for the first time and you're going up that incline and you realize you can't get off, you're scared. But after the 6th time, you're not scared anymore.
Lila: I would be.
Stay tuned for more posts! We will be updating as often as possible through out our 10 days (when we have internet connection). You will be seeing posts from every tripper eventually but for now, here is a short update from everyone!
Some comments are from the plane, while others are reflections from the hotel or from the restaurant where we are currently waiting to eat dinner.
Alex: I am SO excited to finally be going to Haiti after months of planning and anticipation!  It is nerve-racking that Haiti will be different from the "Haiti" that I have in my head now, but it is comforting that we will all be discovering the culture together.  We have such an inspiring group of people together, and I couldn't think of a better family to embark on this journey with!
Amaesha: From the rustic charm of the hotel to the old stories I heard at the art gallery, Haiti has already found a place in my heart. The bonding between the trippers has been so great and I'm looking forward to creating many more memories in this magical place!
Andrew: What a thrill it has been to see Sharona at Galerie Issa, Toni's son Ti Michel and husband Michel at Galerie Monnin, and Giselle at Comite Artisanal ... and through them to give our money to dozens of artists and artisans.  The trip is just beginning, but already I feel home, surrounded by the wonderful sights, smells, and sounds of Haiti.  And this is just day one!!
Gallerie Issa
Anna: After months of hard work, it is so exciting to be able to begin a new journey in Haiti and spend time learning more about Haitian culture. Looking forward to making great memories! :)
Hao: Looking back to all what we've done so far for the trip, from all the Munchy Mondays and fundraising events that bond us to work together, meetings at 7am before all my morning classes, and the long packing day that we just had, it all seems magical and I couldn't imagine any of these happen without my fellow trippers. I am more than excited for the coming trip and ready to embrace Haiti!
Kidus: Hi, everybody! I'm doing great!
Lauren: I didn't think I could physically make it through airport security after waking up at 3AM. But we all made it somehow! I'm getting less tired the closer we get to Haiti. Current music: "Coming Down," Halse
Lila: We're "Coming Home" to family that many of us have not even met yet.  Such a privilege.  We are ready to create.
Lily: After months of fundraising, meetings, check-ins, and planning, it's so amazing to finally be on the plane on the way to Haiti. It's been a long road, or at least it feels that way, and I'm so excited to be sharing this experience with such amazing, dedicated, inspiring people
Lucy: Colors and arts every where! The gallery we visited was every different from i expected. We got to touch the paintings and looked at them really closely. The day was long and tiring, but filled with joy and beauty.
Melanie: I am absolutely thrilled to finally be going to Haiti after having spent all my years at Vassar with VHP. As I am writing this message, we are already on the plane to Port-au-Prince. Yet everything still doesn't feel real...
Paarul: Memories come flooding back as I land in Haiti and arrive in Port-au-Prince once more after two years. Haiti has changed - you can see it everywhere in the city, via countless posters and overhearing conversations of the new interim president. Yet smaller and arguably more critical aspects of Haiti remain the same, such as the rubble on the sides of the road from the earthquake.. We're enjoying the bustle and the color of the city, but we're also gearing up to begin our journey out of PAP and into the beautiful mountains of Chermaitre...such a privilege to be back!
Serena: Grateful for the people I'm with and the people who have been taking care of us thus far. I don't think I'm prepared for the rest of the trip yet but I know it will be amazing!
Thao: The trip is something special that ties us all together, even though we don't know all of the past trippers personally they are still sending their love.
I can't wait to land, but also know that I should savor the moment as it is an important step in our journey - a time to rest, reflect and organize or thoughts for the coming days. I am ecstatic to see how the trip will unfold, judging from the dedication, teamwork, organization, passion (and other admirable characteristics) I have seen displayed from all of my fellow trippers, I am sure it will be inspiring. This of course will not be without critical reflection on our time and the impacts we have in Haiti.
Bisou from Haiti!
Zoe & The Trippers