VHP Haiti Operations Onsite Updates: the Water Initiative
Alan Gutierrez ‘18, one of the students who traveled to Haiti in March 2017, recounts his experience: It’s simple. When you and I are thirsty, we get up and have a drink of water. But what if you can’t? What if clean water is nearly impossible to come by? What then? Would you risk cholera to stay hydrated? This is the reality of life for many people in Haiti and especially the people of Chermaitre. As a representative of the Water Initiative, I was fortunate enough to learn about the efforts currently underway to provide the people of Chermaitre with increased access to clean water. Water is life and yet, so many people in Chermaitre are unable to have clean water. The water that they do have access to, puts them at risk for developing diseases. It is so critical for them to have clean water. Lives literally depend on it. Ultimately, the irony is that Chermaitre is surrounded by the most beautiful mountain springs that form a river, but the water is not safe to drink.One of the most sobering experiences I had while in Haiti was after the climb up to Chermaitre. The two little boys that had guided me up the mountain signed to me that they were thirsty. I gave them water but I knew this would do little to ameliorate their situation. The purification system for the water is coming together very quickly and the people of Chermaitre could not be happier. I’m sure I speak for all of VHP when I say that we are just as excited.I think one of the most valuable things that I got from representing the Water Initiative was the chance to learn about the work that initiative is doing and the knowledge that in some small way, I contributed. I was able to see the entire framework of the future water purification system, from the mountain spring source, to the cisterns, all the way to the faucet at the school. I am excited for what the future holds. I am excited not only for VHP, but for the people of Chermaitre finally being able to drink water without fear. The New Cistern