Femme de Chermaitre
Micro-finance Loans to the Women of Chermaitre, Haiti
The women in the mountains of Haiti are strong, resilient, tenacious and creative. Many are part of large families - from 5-12 children; others are single parents or widowed. The Vassar Haiti Project has, since 2013 been seeking ways to support their entrepreneurial spirit. The local women's cooperative has demonstrated skill in producing cloth napkins and face masks, harvesting and roasting coffee, as well as jewelry items such as earrings and bracelets which we have sold at our art sales. The people of the mountains have little to no cash flow, and they request our support in creating a sustainable source of income through micro-financing.
The women in Haiti are called POTO MITAN - they are the center and backbone of society. They are strong, hardworking, tenacious and determined.
We will provide microfinance loans to a pilot group of up to 25 women with existing businesses.
The loans will run through the local community bank, which is very well versed in this funding tradition. Our partner on the ground in Haiti will oversee the process. There will be an agreed upon time to repay a loan. Once repaid, we will give them another loan with a small percentage supporting the women's cooperative.
Items they sell for the businesses:
Fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, feminine supplies, handbags, drinks, hardware items, etc.
$5,000 will launch our first microfinance loan program at the Beacon Second Saturday Art and Handcraft sale in Beacon. Let's do it!