Our Impact
“Measuring success is often reflected in numbers. At the end of each day of any art sale we do, we sit around in a circle with the team – student and community volunteers – to consider what transpired. We invite everyone to think and share about the miracles, small and large, that they were present to. Each sale, after all, is as much about raising the narrative of Haiti and developing student leaders as it is about the vital and incredibly important art. Toward the end of each of these famous ‘debrief sessions,’ a tradition has been established: “Drumroll, please!” When the financial sales total is proudly voiced by one of the student cashiers, we revel in both the number of paintings sold and funds raised. The theatre of it is a great marker for all present, who pour scores of hours into creating magic, transforming a cold, bare room, somewhere and anywhere in the US, into a hall of vibrancy and warmth, filled with Haitian art and artifacts.
Yet the true success of our art sales goes beyond the numbers. Part of it is watching the students work collectively as a team. There are rarely any upsets in the process – the team works seamlessly and without a lot of discussion: everyone knows what has to be done and is aware of the deadline. Speaking to strangers throughout the weekend, pushing beyond their own discomfort and getting beyond their shyness and reserve is really the hardest thing for most of us. The team emerges creating a new way of being for themselves and for VHP as well. Another part is witnessing the impact of Haiti, its art, its music, its people, its narrative, on those drawn to the events. Still another is in the individual stories of each artist as their work is sold. And finally there is the link to sustainability of the important work in the NW mountains of Haiti.”
— Lila and Andrew Meade, Co-founders, Vassar Haiti Project
Annual Reports
2022 - 2023
2021 - 2022
“This has been a year of extremes. But we’re happy to say that despite formidable challenges, the Vassar Haiti Project has had an extraordinary year in several regards.”
2020 - 2021
“With the gracious support of so many individuals and organizations, VHP continues to thrive. September 2021 will mark our 20th anniversary. It has been twenty glorious years. Thank you for helping us make positive change in our work here and in Haiti. ”
2019 - 2020
“This year, we embraced the notion that if we could not go to Haiti, it was paramount to bring Haiti to Vassar. Pere Wildaine came to Vassar this spring and spent time with students and the women’s community group helping us to understand how our work impacts the local people in Haiti. Our long-term commitment to the people of this region and its sustainability is what is most important.”
2018 - 2019
“We hope that you will enjoy reading this annual report. Our team created so much this past year despite the extremely difficult circumstances in Haiti. The chaos borne of covid quarantines gave life to new opportunities for us to relate and grow as a group. While the reality of not being able to go to Haiti endures as a harsh reality, we will continue to work diligently with the Board and student leadership to hone our work and create new ideas to further improve conditions for the people in the region we support.”
2017 - 2018
“The Art & Soul Gala is truly unique: this single event helps to finance the clinic for one full year, which includes the salary of the staff and medicine for its patients.”
View the Annual Report 2017-2018