A Message from Lila and Andrew Meade:Dear VHP'ers:Saturday night's concert is forever etched in our hearts. We'd thank all the VHP'ers who came to host the event, to Crystal Tung, Joe Brichacek and Kristen Meade who coordinated all the efforts in getting people to the concert, to Livia Dinu for organizing the front of the house and to all the musicians and vocalists who helped to make the concert a successful event for Haiti, for music, and for music in Haiti. There are no words to describe the journey of emotions that we felt, sitting in the beautiful chapel surrounded by celestial music ... If you couldn't be there, we will have a recording of the event on our blogsite in the next day or two.Without the final tallies in, we have raised over $5000 for the music school in Port au Prince.  If you would like to donate something and haven't done so, contact Andrew Meade.Sept. 24th, a group of around 25 children will come from the music school to perform in the Vassar Chapel--they are called Les Petits Chanteurs. This will be our first event for next year!Viva music, Viva Haiti!Lila and Andrew


Don't forget to stop by the Campus Activities Fair today!
