A few weeks ago, in response to the Haitian cholera epidemic, the VHP sent out a call for help to Dan Katz, MD requesting emergency medical supplies to send to Haiti.  Katz responded  immediately, arranging for a donation of 100 IV kits for rehydration and 600 doses of Cipro, an antibiotic that diminishes the effects of cholera, from Vassar Brothers Medical Center in Poughkeepsie.  The VHP packed these supplies in a red suitcase, which our friend and emissary Barry Pell carried over to Haiti.  We're pleased to report that the red suitcase has reached its destination, and was received by our partners Pere Noe and Pere Quatorze (pictured above).The following is a letter that Barry Pell wrote to the VHP, reflecting on his experience in Haiti.Barry Pell's Letter


Baby Doc Back in Haiti


Beacon Second Saturday with the VHP