31 Shoots to be Planted in Chermaitre
Last Friday's Open Mic Night event reminded me of the importance of creativity and collaboration.
"Fruits n Shoots" was a very creative way of engaging Vassar students with the goals and visions of the Vassar Haiti Project. A showcase of multiple talents, the Open Mic Night provoked laughs and sing-alongs from the audience while raising awareness of deforestation in Haiti. According to a New York Times video, before the January 2010 Earthquake, Haiti was 97% deforested. VHP's Reforestation Initiative works towards bringing this statistic to lower numbers by planting trees in the northwest village, Chermaitre.I was very impressed not only by the energy and committed efforts of members of the project, but also by the enthusiasm and support from the part of performers who once in front of the microphone, expressed their support for our Reforestation Initiative. The concerted efforts of members behind the scenes and of performers on the spotlight ensured a successful event. With the help of donations and purchases of Haitian handicrafts, we raised $155, the equivalent of 31 trees!!The shoots will be planted in Chermaitre to ensure sustainable growth in the village. If interested in participating or supporting our Reforestation Initiative, please contact head of initiative Manning Wu at mawu@vassar.edu
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