Naming PaintingsAfter three drives, two flights, and some wonderful sleep, we're back at Andrew and Lila's house.  Our pajama-clad troop is now eating Andrew's buttermilk pancakes, and we're back to work naming paintings. The last part of our trip was very eventful, with us spending a few days in Cap Haitien, and even squeezing in a short visit to the Dominican Republic. We all learned many things from our time in Chermaitre, and we spent our last days in Haiti trying to put our new knowledge and experience in a larger context. As you can tell from our photo, we spent our last days in the Cap at the art market, where we were able to meet with many of our artist friends.  In two days at the market we bought over eighty new paintings for our Vassar Sale in under two weeks!Thanks so much to all our friends and family for supporting us through this trip.  You were always with us, and without your encouragement this wonderful trip would not have been possible.If you can't wait to see our new merchandise, we will be having a STRETCHING PARTY this Saturday from 1-5pm in the Main 3rd Floor Common Room.  Come join us for food, paintings, and lots of stories!


Haitian Art Sale and Auction This Weekend!


The Latest from Chermaitre