Pack Day for our March trip to Haiti!

Robyn, Mai, Tamsin, Priscilla, Carrie, Annie, Manny, Lorraine, Ning and SidaTwelve hours until we board the plane to Port-au-Prince, Haiti!We are, as always, tired but excited! After all the fundraising and planning, we are finally here. We're ready to put midterms, life stress and little concerns behind us, and jump right into the opportunity and honor of representing our fellow VHP-ers on this trip to Haiti.(We're also extremely eager to put our Creole to work and to finally meet the wonderful George Desarmes, whose artwork has been featured at many a VHP sale.)Manny: *Sneeze*! (I'm allergic to the cat hair at Andrew and Lila's place.)Tamsin: SO PUMPED. N ap boule!Annie: I'm failing at live-tweeting pack day, but I'm succeeding at actually packing! I'm looking forward to seeing a real Haitian market in action after so many years of admiring Haitian market scene paintings, and especially to playing with the kids!Robyn: M rele Robyn. Blanc sa a ka pale Kreyol! Translation: My name is Robyn. This foreigner can speak Creole!Sida: READY TO GO!Priscilla: I can't wait to meet more people like Haitian grandpa!!Mai: DINNER'S READY! LET'S EAT!Carrie: Can't wait to see the kids and Chermaitre itself!Lila: How did I get roped into this?!Lorraine: I cannot wait to be immersed in Haiti's culture and to see the children of Chermaitre!Ning: We will get soooo tanned~^^ Can't wait for Haiti!Andrew: Bring it on!


We arrive in Haiti! Day One


One day, everything will be free...