Recapping 2014!

Wow, what a successful year it has been for VHP!And we have everybody - our partners in Chermaitre, Haiti, students, community volunteers, and all our supporters (YOU!) to thank for that.Recapping 2014 in pictures:

  1. Art Sale at St James Church in Setauket, NYSharing a laugh with our wonderful new friend and partner, Vassar alum Jeanine Morelli
  2. Our March trip to Haiti!
  3. And who could forget our April Sale and Auction?
  4. We went back to Sag Harbor again for another successful art sale!15132262472_e421072666_z14945955649_444f46ae1d_z...and this was also where the October Fete video was filmed!
  5. October Fete![youtube][/youtube]With all of your generous support, we raised thousands of dollars for our 5 initiatives. Throughout October, there were worldwide and cross-country parties held to raise funds for Chermaitre!
  6. The October trip to Haiti with Dr Dan Katz (Medical Advisory Board) and Carly Ritter '0515621344146_c7ae853a67_z 15621864426_29896ec7fe_z15645366055_04b272d2d3_z15077917083_cee08607c4_z
  7. Art and Soul 2014With the help of the medical community in the Hudson Valley, we successfully raised  2/3 of the annual operating costs of the Chermaitre-Fiervil Health Center!
  8. Crowdfunding Campaign for Femmes de Chermaitre[youtube][/youtube] A video which will surely make your heart smile :-)15458918758_49a93df76b_z15459166797_a174017f07_zWe are proud to end the year with our crowdfunding campaign for the women's co-operative, Femmes de Chermaitre. So far, we have raised 40% of our tipping point, and are getting closer and closer to our $9000 goal.

We began 2014 with all of the above as merely vague ideas and dreams we had. But they were all successful exceeding all expectations, and now, we have ended the year with so much growth, partnership-building, and even more ideas for 2015 and beyond! 


2015 Starts Out as a Success for Femmes de Chermaitre


A Fresh Perspective on Vassar Haiti Project