11/8, GB Meeting: Staying Updated

On Wednesday, November 8th, VHP held a General Body meeting during which each committee presented a “microtimeline”: what we have been up to this semester, and what is coming up for the rest of the semester or year. Each presenter was given 1-2 minutes to speak. After the microtimeline portion, we had an envelope stuffing party to prepare the end-of-year newsletters for the post.This event was particularly exciting for me, because as Social Media Director I do not have the opportunity to see each committee’s work on a weekly basis. It was inspiring to watch as new GB members took the floor and spoke with confidence and pride about their committees. This GB meeting embodied VHP’s core values: it was a room filled with love, joy, and support. I am fortunate to be part of an organization of so many future leaders.Most importantly, the apple cider provided was delicious. It was the perfect refreshment for the midpoint of a stressful academic week.-written by Sophia Massie '20, Social Media Director


In solidarity with the people of Haiti, and all other parts of the world...


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