Thoughts on returning to Vassar post-JYA...
Last semester, I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. The experience allowed personal growth in so many areas. I was able to take classes in human health and neuroscience that were both specific to my interests and on topics that are not offered at Vassar. For the four months I was in Denmark, I lived with a host mom. This was a unique experience that allowed me to immerse myself in the culture and live a more typical daily life of a Dane. On weekends and breaks, I had the opportunity to travel to other countries throughout Europe and explore a variety of cities.While abroad was a great experience and I was able to more or less relax for a semester, I am so happy to be back to Vassar. I missed this campus for a variety of reasons, but the top two were my friends and the organizations and activities on campus that I take part in, especially VHP. Anyone in VHP will tell you our organization has a strong sense of community, which promotes old friendships and encourages new ones. This semester is exciting for me as my first semester on EB and I look forward to playing a stronger role in VHP through this experience and hope to bond more with members of VHP.-Phebe Warren '19, Health Manager