Anna Brashear ‘15
Anna Brashear ‘15
AMBOSS GmbH, Berlin, Germany
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill M.A. Political Science
Field: Medicine & Public Health
VHP never leaves you - I joined VHP because I was looking for a way to commit myself to service and spend my time in meaningful ways within a caring community. Of course, VHP gave me all that, but it also gave me so much more and continues to contribute to my outlook on the world and my desire to have a positive impact with whatever I do. Yes, my leadership roles in VHP were always great talking points during interviews and did help me significantly to enter the workforce with previous project-building skills and team experience. However, I think what I carry with me every day from VHP is the knowledge that "normal" people (like students!) can make things happen.
The partnership between Vassar and Chermaitre was vital for all of us - we all learned from each other and realized that together, we could find solutions to the problems we'd inherited from the broken systems in our world. That was an extremely hopeful community to be a part of, and it reminds me even now that when the problems seem too big or the world seems too hopeless, just start doing something and do it with love and care and respect.
In Berlin where I'm now living, there's a quote on a remaining section of the original Berlin wall. It says: "Many small people who in many small places do many small things [that] can alter the face of the world" and that always makes me think of VHP. I'm so proud to say I was and still am part of such a wonderful group of people who strive to make the world a better and more just place. I'll always be grateful for my time in VHP and the opportunity to put those values into actions and build so many beautiful relationships along the way.