Two weeks ago, VHP hosted a student-friendly, Thanksgiving Sale in the College Center of Main. A huge success, the sale brought members of the project closer and engaged members of the larger Vassar Community. Below, Rebecca Endicott '14, who helped direct the sale, reflects on the thrill of a busy sale.

I really enjoyed the responsibility of coordinating the Monday portion of our Thanksgiving Sale. It was my first time taking on an organizational role in VHP, and the experience was totally rewarding. The most satisfying part was probably closing down at the end of our sales day. I was trying to organize the money and tally the final sales total while everything was getting packed up around me, but people kept stopping by the booth to grab a few last baked goods. The sales total kept changing, but it was an inconvenience I did not mind, since we managed to make at least a dozen last-minute sales this way! It was nice to know our product was in high demand, and to know that we had managed to take a simple concept--handicrafts and baked goods--and turn it into a way to make a lot of money for a great cause!

A Thank You from Ashley Julien


Tropical Escape: A Collaborative Christmas Dinner