A Thank You from Ashley Julien
One of VHP's reason for holding a student-friendly Thanksgiving Sale was to thank the Vassar student body for their support throughout our ten years of activity. Co-director of the sale Ashley Julien '13 extends her thanks to all those who helped make the sale a success:
Thanks so much to everyone who came out and supported VHP’s thanksgiving sale this year! It’s so exciting to see a student friendly sale have such an amazing turnout. Clearly, filling up our tables with piles of colorful handicrafts (and jewelry and paintings and posters and more) made our sale far too inviting for most to simply walk by. And lucky for us, you all were in such a giving mood! Many of you bought gifts to bring home to your family over thanksgiving break, lots found gifts for upcoming birthdays, and I think one student even bought a little something for her roommate…But let me tell you, working the sale and parting with all of these lovely gifts wasn’t easy. The most painful transaction? Selling a pair of gorgeous earrings carved from goat-horn.