* Pop Up Holiday Haitian Art + Handcraft Sale * Beacon, NY 12/9/23
Femme de Chermaitre
Micro-finance Loans to the Women of Chermaitre, Haiti
The women in the mountains of Haiti are strong, resilient, tenacious and creative. Many are part of large families - from 5-12 children; others are single parents or widowed. The Vassar Haiti Project has, since 2013 been seeking ways to support their entrepreneurial spirit. The local women's cooperative has demonstrated skill in producing cloth napkins and face masks, harvesting and roasting coffee, as well as jewelry items such as earrings and bracelets which we have sold at our art sales. The people of the mountains have little to no cash flow, and they request our support in creating a sustainable source of income through micro-financing.
The women in Haiti are called POTO MITAN - they are the center and backbone of society. They are strong, hardworking, tenacious and determined.
We will provide microfinance loans to a pilot group of up to 25 women with existing businesses.
The loans will run through the local community bank, which is very well versed in this funding tradition. Our partner on the ground in Haiti will oversee the process. There will be an agreed upon time to repay a loan. Once repaid, we will give them another loan with a small percentage supporting the women's cooperative.
Items they sell for the businesses:
Fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, feminine supplies, handbags, drinks, hardware items, etc.
$5,000 will launch our first microfinance loan program at the Beacon Second Saturday Art and Handcraft sale in Beacon. Let's do it!

Reforestation Run - 2023
Crossing the finish line at the Reforestation Run 2023
Thank you so much to all who participated in the Reforestation Run.
This was the first time we did a 5k run in a decade.
We did it together.
We surpassed our goal raising $2600.
Thanks to all of you we will support an additional 2600 trees in Northwest Haiti.
Aerial view of the Haiti (left) - Dominican Republic (right) border
The Vassar Haiti Project and RunVassar are sponsoring a day of events to raise money to plant 2500 trees in Chermaitre, Haiti. The small Caribbean nation is nearly 98% deforested, making the soil unsuitable for agriculture, and leading to dangerous and destructive landslides. Reforestation is an essential step in building self-sufficiency and sustainable development in Haiti.
Scroll down to sign up as a runner, make a donation, see the program of Events and learn more about our reforestation initiative.
Saving the planet
presentation by
Saturday, 11/18 at 10 am
Hear a firsthand account of how strategic community-led tree planting can dramatically transform landscapes and uplift communities in Northwest Haiti. In his talk, you'll learn:
How the planting of 40,000 trees has dramatically reduced soil erosion and increased food security
The positive ripple effects of reforestation, from stabilizing hillsides to empowering local farmers thereby increasing food security.
What the future reforestation roadmap looks like and how you can get involved
Don't miss this chance to hear an uplifting story of sustainability in action!
Following the talk, there will be a 5k run and walk (whichever you prefer) around Vassar College Campus.
- We hope to raise $2500 facilitating the planting of an additional 2500 trees.
- Original Haitian handcrafts will be available for sale.
- Food and refreshments will be served.
Program of Events:
10:00 am Run registration (light breakfast provided)
Handcraft display and sale opens
10:30 am Presentation by Dr. Andrew Meade: Saving the Planet One Tree at a Time. Chermaitre community-based reforestation model - where ALL your donations will go!
11:00 am 5k Fun run/walk starts.
The track takes you all around Vassar Campus beginning and ending in front of Joselyn House
12:30 pm Lunch
03:00 pm Handcraft sale closes
There will be a suggested minimum donation of $10 in order to participate in the run. Every $1 raised will pay for the purchase and planting of one tree.
Money raised by the run will go directly to fund efforts to reforest the hills surrounding the village of Chermaitre in northwest Haiti. The Vassar Haiti Project has been supporting education, nutrition, and development in Chermaitre for almost 21 years.
A beautiful Haitian handcrafted iron sculpture ($150 value) made by our artisan partners in Haiti will be awarded to the participant who raises the most donations
Thank you so much for registering for the Reforestation Run this Saturday, November 18th. The event will take place on Vassar College Campus.
Registration will be in the first floor parlor of Josselyn House, the dormitory building along Raymond Avenue and Collegeview Ave: 12 Josselyn Drive. There will be signs around campus to help you find Josselyn House.
Registration begins at 10am where you will check in and receive a race bib. There will be an assortment of bagels and coffee if you need a little pre-run nosh! At 10:30am there will be a welcome address, a presentation on the importance of reforesting by Dr. Andrew Meade, and a summary of the 5k course. The run will begin at 11am and a delicious lunch will be served at 12:30pm. The person who raises the most amount of money will receive a beautiful original Haitian iron sculpture!

2023 Families Weekend Art Sale and Auction
The Vassar Haiti Project warmly welcomes you to the 23rd Families Weekend Art Sale & Auction, a pinnacle event upholding our multifaceted mission.

Haitian Art, Quilts & Handcrafts Sale in Martha’s Vineyard - 2023
Support Haitian Artists
Explore the Rich Culture of Haiti at the Martha's Vineyard Art Sale
Find Unique Handcrafted Treasures at the Martha's Vineyard Haitian Art Sale

Art & Soul 2023
Join us at the Vassar College Alumnae House:
161 College Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

2023 Greenwich Haitian Art Sale
Haitian Art Sale at Second Congregational Church
Friday Feb. 10 6pm - 8:30pm
Saturday Feb. 11 10am - 5pm
Sunday Feb.12. 9am - 2pm
Supporting art, education, health and sustainable development in rural Haiti.
This year, the Vassar Haiti Project will honor Sheri Chin and Gordon Ng who have lived in Greenwich for over 25 years and have two children, Alexandra, a Vassar Haiti Project Alum (Class of 2019), and Marcus, a junior at Colgate University. Sheri is the Head of Marketing for Galileo, a financial technology company. Gordon is a recently retired international finance executive who previously worked at Mastercard and American Express and currently serves as the Head of Finance for Second Congregational Church. They celebrate Vassar Haiti Project’s mission for a long-lasting and sustainable partnership with the village of Chermaitre and are so excited to bring Haitian art to the Greenwich community at Second Congregational Church.
Featuring a wide variety of paintings and handcrafts. Purchases are 50% tax-deductible.